We are a web design agencyPBWORKS.

We are a web design agency<strong>PBWORKS.</strong>

Everything has started as a hobby, but since 2009 as PB Works. Initially it was modest ANP (authorized natural person) with just a few clients, but with the lapse of time we have grown, we have added more and more customers to our portfolio and it has become what you see today, a small web design agency that wishes to offer happiness, results and transparency through the provided web design services.

16 years of activity
58 happy clients
105 projects
5677 coffee cups
22711 hours worked
Bogdan Popa

I am the founder of PB Works and am personally in charge of coordinating the activities that underlie your project in order to provide you with a high quality product which will generate you profit.

Bogdan Popa

  • Dey
  • Acord
  • Waldorf Tours
  • Green Pest
  • Pretul Verde

Now see what we've created

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